A loving act for the future
Making one’s will is an important and responsible act. Devising something to Merano Missionary Group “A well for life” is a loving act for the future.
Through the years many benefactor have decided to support GMM’s actions, safeguarding their heirs’ rights, by devising us a part of their property. The devise can be a small or big amount of money, a valuable object, or one can make GMM the payee of a life insurance. In any case, it is a choice that attests one’s human and social sensitivity and, at the same time, provides a continuous aid to action aimed at giving a future to African children, a hope of recovering to sick people and water to thirsty villages.
For further information do not hesitate in contacting GMM: our volunteers are at full disposal to offer explanations required and in case the help of a professional, always in a confidential setting.
Talk to the notary
For information and explanations regarding testamentary legacies it is always a good practice to consult a notary. He will provide you advice on how to accomplish your will. The website of Bolzano notary Board is www.notai.bz.it.